E.L. Williams-official site
Most of my posts are not very personal.  This one will be different.  This post is about following God's Lead to find TREMENDOUS PEACE! 
For many moons now God has been telling me to take a huge leap of faith...as strange as it may sound He has actually told me it was time to leave my husband.  It is a long, very sordid story but suffice it to say after many years of trying all I could I had to admit that my husband of 18+ years just was not that into me and I deserve more. 
So on 9/11 I jumped off the cliff and kicked my husband out.  Since then I have felt nothing but tremendous peace!  Admittedly I was very angry that day (God had to really throw a brick at my head to get me to jump and OUCH it hurt!) but once I packed all his stuff and cried a few tears of pure anger, I released it to God and have felt just fine since. 
I've already hired an attorney, the forms have been filed and the pre-trial date has been set so this is definitely happening.  Try as I might to feel some sorrow, to mourn for the loss of this relationship, God simply will not let me shed any tears or suffer anymore pain at the hands of this man...and IT FEELS GREAT!  A huge burden has been lifted off my shoulders.  I do not know for sure what God has in store for me but I am COMPLETELY confident that it is something so wonderful and perfect it will blow my mind.

***I need to go on record and say I do not harbor ANY hatred or resentment towards my ex.  He is after all the father of my three marvelous children.  I think he is a wonderful friend, son, brother and coach.  I can now fondly look back at our long relationship and appreciate the lessons I needed to learn from that journey and for that wisdom/strength/knowledge/fortitude I gained by being married to him, I am eternally grateful.***

Quote of the day:
There is no greater joy in life than knowing you are walking a righteous walk with God!
E.L. Williams
Those of you who check this site regularly probably wonder why Oh God is now coming out in October.  Well as this blog's title indicates, sometimes life gets in the way.  A whole myriad of issues arose causing a delay in finishing the book which, unfortunately, will cause a delay in its release.  Please be patient.  It is coming soon and it is better than the first...if I do say so myself.  Also, there will be sneak peeks available on this site.  So check in often and visit our sponsors.

Thought of the day:
One biten twice shy may stop you from getting hurt again but it will also prevent you from experiencing the joy of love again. 

In the end it does not matter the car you drive, the job you hold or the amount of money you have in the bank.  Memories of those things will fade.  What people will always remember is how you made them feel! 


Today I found out that a co-worker had passed away overnight.  When she did not arrive at work and no one could reach her, her supervisor sent the police over to investigate.  It is a COMPLETE SHOCK to everyone as she seemed just fine on Friday when we last saw her.  She was a spunky little thing that had a GREAT SENSE of humor. Fortunately she knew Jesus and loved to spread His Word so today she is with Him in paradise.  My thoughts and prayers are with her family as they grieve her loss.  She will be sorely missed!

To her I would like to say:  I miss you and look forward to seeing you again one day!  You can show me the ropes when I meet you in paradise!

Thought of the day:

One never knows when the end is near so live each day to its fullest.


Thought for the day:

If there is something you've always wanted to do or be, why not start today?  A fresh start can occur on any day, it does not have to wait until Monday, the 1st, after the holiday, etc.  Make TODAY the first day in your journey to fulfilling your dreams.


There will be an article in The Muscatine Journal tomorrow about me.  I believe it will also be available online for viewing.  That website is: www.muscatinejournal.com

Thought for the day:

Open your heart and mind to all this world has to offer!  Keeping it closed will only limit what you can accomplish.


Thank you to all who came out to support me at the signing.  I am happy to say I sold out that day!!

Thought of the day:

When God directs you to jump, leap as high as you can, enjoying the fall; knowing that God TOTALLY HAS YOUR BACK!


An article regarding the author will be appearing in The Muscatine Journal soon.  When an exact date is known, it will be posted here.

Thought of the day:

In every life a little rain must fall but instead of griping about the mud, focus on the beautiful flowers the moisture will help create.


Welcome to the blog for up and coming author, E.L. Williams.  This blog will be used for quotes, thoughts of the day, sneak peeks, etc. so check it often.  Feel free to comment below.

Thought of the day:

Remember what you get is directly related to the effort you give so don't short change yourself by not giving your all!